
Build dynamic string SPD workflow activity in Sharepoint 2010

Hi All, 

Build dynamic string SPD workflow activity in Sharepoint 2007 is no more directly available in SharePoint 2010. In order to activate you need to do the following activities.

Step 1: Navigate to \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\1033\Workflow on your system drive

Step 2: Open the WSS.Actions file (this is where information about all default SPD actions is stored)

Step 3: Find "Build Dynamic String" and change the "AppliesTo" parameter from "DisplayOnly" to "all". Save the file

Step 4: Run IISReset, re-open SPD - you should now have the Build Dynamic String action available.


Hide column header in a SharePoint list web part

To remove these annoying headers I used a simple content editor web part. Open up the Source editor and enter the following three lines:
.ms-viewheadertr { display: none;}
Under Layout in the Content Editor Web Part check the “Hidden” check box so you’re web part wont’ be seen on your site and click OK.  The column headers will now be hidden from view.

This method can also be used to hide and/or change the look of other aspects of your SharePoint site without using SharePoint Designer or making any custom modifications.