
Search Videos with the new “People in videos” column in SharePoint 2013

Search Videos with the new “People in videos” column in SharePoint 2013

A new Column “People in videos” of Video Content type has been Introduced where you can specify people who are in the Video to be included in Video Metadata.The column is available when you edit the properties of your Video that you uploaded in Site Asserts library.

if you enter someones name in the site Search box and select the scope “Videos”, you will find all videos where this person was added in “People in videos” column.It looks like a facebook Photo tagging fetaure.

SharePoint 2013 RTM Now Available

SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 RTM are now available publically for MSDN subscribers. Following are the links.

SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 RTM now available on MSDN

What is SharePoint 2013 App

SharePoint 2013 App

In simple words, some of the SharePoint Components like Lists, Libraries,Sandbox or  Custom Applications,few Features like Event Receivers(remote) or Field types (based on existing field types) are termed as “Apps”. So now if someone want to say “Add a new List” to SharePoint, they should probably say “Add a List App” to SharePoint instead.

SharePoint 2013 Certifications

Excited!!! about SharePoint 2013 Certification. It will be published by February 2013.

First hand look please click the below links.

SharePoint 2013 Microsoft Certification Exams: